Elijah Pinkevich



Joining Capstone in 2023, Elijah is a Financial Planning Analyst. At the core of financial planning is helping people, which is important to Elijah.

There’s so much wrapped up in our money, and I want to walk alongside clients to provide them a service designed to enhance their lives,” he says.

Invested in your future

Elijah’s priority is focusing on what’s best for the client at all times. Details are important, and he excels in making sure everything is covered. He’s passionate about seeing his clients succeed.

I have the client in mind completely. It’s about their circumstances, their thoughts and goals, and their feelings. That intrigues and motivates me to do what I need to do to make a difference for them,” Elijah says.

Building community

Staying active in his small community church is important to Elijah, as he builds his career with Capstone.

One of his proudest achievements is graduating from the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign with high honors. He’s currently studying to become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER.™